3 Playlists for Running a 12-minute Mile

The perfect playlist is essential to a good run. A song’s tempo or motivating lyrics are sometimes all you need to push just a little bit harder, to run just a little bit faster. To satisfy the wide genre of musical tastes, here are three playlists timed for those aiming to run a 12-minute mile.

3 Playlists for Running a 12-minute Mile - Tipsaholic.com #running #workout

Tipsaholic 3 playlists for running a 12-minute mile

Playlist 1 – Retro Classics

“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor – 4:03

“Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and The Waves – 3:58

“The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis & The News – 3:54


Playlist 2 – Indie Rock

“It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons – 3:58

“Take a Walk” – Passion Pit – 4:25

“Home” by Phillip Phillips – 3:30


Playlist 3 – Country Gals

“Get Over Yourself” by SHeDAISY – 3:24

“Long Time Gone” by Dixie Chicks – 4:09

“Nothing Better To Do” by LeAnn Rimes – 4:26


About the Author: Clarissa Fidler is a 20-something trying to find her place in this world. She grew up in Seattle, attended college in Utah, and now calls Chicago home. In her free time you’ll find her reading the New York Times, cuddling with her cat Harper, catching up on her favorite blogs, running along Lake Michigan, or checking out a new restaurant.  If you’d like to read more by Clarissa, check out her blog West Hawthorne Place.

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Clarissa is a wife and stepmom embracing life in the Land of Enchantment. She works as a nonprofit communication specialist by day and blogger by night. Some of her favorite things are Dr. Pepper, green chile, baseball, country music, and her yellow lab.

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  1. Running tip. Rest your thumb on your index finger. It will relax your forearm and all across your chest on runs.
    Thanks for the playlist idea!

  2. Do you have any other play lists for a 10 or 8 minute mile? I’m looking to speed up from my 12 minute mile pace.