Beach Cottage Bedroom Makeover!


Check out how absolutely heavenly this beach house bedroom turned out! I love the blue, lavender and green accents. I wish I had a room like this to take a blissful nap in after a visit to the beach!


Submitted By Harbour Breeze


Hi there! I’m Rita Joy. After spending all my growing up years on the {beautiful} prairies of Montana, I now have to pinch myself when I look out my window and see the Pacific Ocean. I blog about my ordinary life as a wife and mom of 3 boys at our beach house home {Harbour Breeze}. I absolutely love living in our old history-filled home, and have been “lovin’ it up” one project at a time. Working within a tight budget has helped me discover the joy of dreaming outside the box and thinking of solutions to design problems – utilizing items I already have.

My latest decorating adventure was our Master Bedroom:

The other day I told you I had a spurt of decor inspiration as I was cleaning our bedroom.  Actually, I’ve been contemplating it for quite a while, but cleaning day just helped spur me on.  For those who have never seen before, this was what our bedroom looked like when we moved in {You can see more pictures here}:

dark bedroom

A little over a year ago, it had a splash of {magical} White Down paint.  I loved its brightness, but it needed a little love…

beach bedroom before

So, let me introduce our new Beach Cottage Bedroom…:

{Can I just say?  I {Heart} It.!!}

My goal was  to use things that I already had.  I “hunted my house” ~ a new terminology I just heard ~ and repurposed, rearranged and reimagined what I already had.  The first big change was the white bedspread.  It’s actually the underside of a handmade quilt.  It’s so beautiful, even though it was meant to lay the other way around {It’s a bit busy, though…}.

Extra {clean, but flat} bed pillows that were taking up precious storage space were recycled into new throw pillow forms.  Scraps from my fabric stash became a  new set of decor pillowsthat give a pop of color. {My favourites are those aqua linen ones…}


The headboard and nightstand were given some fresh paint, and ferns from the yard were turned intobotanical prints.

The chippy white chairwas moved to make a more stylish bedside table. {And I finally got my white lampshade repaired!}

bedside table vignette

White dishware, clear glass, shells, {accessories hiding in my cupboards} and fresh flowers from the yard line the shelves.


My goals in this makeover were three-fold:

  • a fresh, new look
  • as quick as possible {I thought I could do this in a day…  It took a little longer than that!}
  • for  little to no money {I ended up spending $6.00 on 6 picture frames for the ferns.  I just couldn’t figure out how to make them with what I already had…}

Next week I’ll be back with tutorials on the nightstand, headboard, pillows, and botanical prints.


Thanks for stopping by and letting me give you a mini-tour.  It’s not every day I show  guests our bedroom… {Perhaps it doesn’t look like this all the time??!}

P.S.  I forgot to tell you about one thing…The bed ruffle.  I wanted something “soft and dreamy” looking.

You are going to laugh yourself silly when I tell you what it is…  More about it later.


Here are even more beautiful beach themed rooms!! Be sure to check them out!

beach-kitchen-renovation 5Casual-beach-house-themed-living-room-before-and-after-interior-design (13)living room makeover 058 copy-1

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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