Beat-up Bench Upgrade; Guest

Katie at Impatiently Praying for Patience got this little number from a place called Craigs-List City and upgraded it here is what she had to say about it. 

A couple of weeks ago I got this bench for $20 from Craigslist.

Since my boys have decided that they want to be little helpers they helped me sand down the bench.

First I painted the bottom portion red. Since I am not a smart person. I didn’t prime it. So 4 coats of red later I was wishing I primed it.

Wild Man did help me paint the bench which honestly was the highlight of his week. I didn’t get a picture of it due to be an over anxious mom with a 4 year old who had a paint brush.

I’m sure you all understand. 

As you can see on the picture I painted white over the red.

Then I enlisted the boys help with distressing the top.

But I would advise if you are going to have two little boys beat up a bench you might want to inform your significate other due to the panic that will bestow on them when they come out to see your kids beating a product that they know your other half has been painstackingly working on.

It will save you some extra explaining and from having a panicked spouse.

I’m just saying…

I did get Romeo to use the pointy end of the paint brush and he focused only on one area… It is ok…I like it that way.

Then I used gel stain to stain the top.

 Please notice the hand print on the bench. Whoops.

Oh well, if it is stolen I have fingerprint proof that it is mine.

Then I sanded the bottom to let the red come through.

Here is the end result!

It’s awaiting all the guests we are to have in the next few weeks!

We have a dining table with stained wood top and painted legs and just love it.  Nice job on the upgraded bench. 

Any thoughts?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love this. I can just see Daddy's face when he comes out and see's the kids beating on the bench. I hate sanding also, I just did a post on it. I found something that is called Gloss-Off that is a fabulous time saver. I have an antiques booth so everything gets painted white. Not sanding has saved me tons of time!