Beautiful Country Charm Kitchen And Dining Room!

Beautiful Country Charm Kitchen
And Dining – Before and After 

Hey all, this is Cassity, I just wanted to share this kitchen with you from Erin. I love the details she added and the bright happy feel of the space.  And who wouldn’t love this amazing antique ladder rack, that she used, I wish I had a place for one in my house!!  Tell me what you think of all her amazing hard work!

Here she is, in all her tract home glory! You probably have these same cabinets too. Stained oak! To me, yuck!!  Now, some people really like this look and if you do, I hope your not offended that I don’t.  Everytime I walked in my kitchen, the grain in that oak just screamed at me!  

In my home, you can see the kitchen from the living room, and I hated that! Because those cabinets were awful to me!

I tried to add some charm by bringing in my great Grandmother’s table that I painted.  It helped, a little.  I just couldn’t help feeling that those cabinets needed a dose of pretty.  I wanted so badly to paint them!  But, I was scared to death of that task.

But, I conquered those fears, and went for it!!  I won’t lie, it was a monumental task!  But they are beautiful to me now!  Painted cabinets just make me smile!  Everytime I walk in my kitchen, I get this feeling of joy and pride that I did that!

We also got granite countertops, which are an absolute dream!!  You can put anything hot, right out of the oven on this baby and nothing happens!  I know some people are scared to do that, but not me !

We changed out the cutrains for bamboo shades from our local Lowe’s and they have been the best thing ever! 
View from the breakfest room.  More on that later.
The cream table needed a face lift too.  I painted it this wonderful green color and my man picked me up some butcher block from Ikea.  My daughter thought the top should be stained and I completely agreed.  I love how it turned out!
This is me, trying my best to look like I don’t know a camera is there!  I think I just laughed the entire time!
My little green ladder from our local antique mall.  I get more comments on this than anything!

Here are some good pictures of what our breakfast room looked like before I painted the kitchen cabinets. I apologize for how dark all the pictures seem.

The curtains were actually tablecloths cut in half and pinned up to create the v effect. I loved these, but since the kitchen was getting such a big face lift, I couldn’t leave this side of the room out! I got the rug from Pottery Barn years ago, and it has been great!

I love the look of mismatched chairs at the table. It is such a quirky look, and I love anything quirky! However, most of the chairs were found at flea markets or estate sales and they weren’t in the best condition. I really feared for people to sit in them sometimes. How tragic would that be, if someone sat down and tumbled to the ground!!? So, I was on the hunt for some fabulous chairs!

I think the new chairs are a showstopper!!! I purchase these chairs at Weir’s furniture store. If you live around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area you have heard of Weir’s! It is a Christian family owned store and everything they have is to die for!


I took down my beloved curtains and opted for bamboo shades instead. We found these at Lowe’s. We lined them with white privacy liners, which was very easy to do, and hung them up! I think it gives the kitchen a more updated and cleaner look.


I still have a lot of red touches in here, but I tried to add more white.  I really wanted a less cluttered look and adding white and taking away some color is a good start.  My father painted that picture for me years ago!  He took some items around my kitchen and set them up and started painted!  Sometimes, I am just amazed at the things he can do!  I took a dingy looking frame and dry brushed it red.
I have mentioned it before, but in case you missed that post, this is NOT real beadboard!!!  It is actually wallpaper made to look like it.  It came in several colors, so it is not the paintable kind.  One day, my man says he will put real beadboard up for me, and I am patiently waiting!




O.k, I don’t know why I am showing you this!  I told you I giggled the whole time I had my picture taken!  I couldn’t help myself.  I just thought the table and flowers looked pretty.  So ignore the crazy red hair sitting at the table!


So there you have it!  I would love to still add a few more details.  Like white subway tiles and wood flooring!  Right now, God teaches me daily to be content with what I have. It doesn’t have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the making, and I’m o.k with that.


This project was contributed by one of our fabulous readers! We love to share your projects with this great blogging community. So, if you have projects from kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, overhauled and repurposed furniture, spray paint updates you name it please send it in! Thanks for reading Remodelaholic!

If you like this post please check out these past Kitchen Features:
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Absolutely LOVE your kitchen! I have been itching to redo mine for some time, but wasn’t sure what I wanted. Like you, I only want to paint these cabinets once! Thank you for the inspiration. Can you give me the name of the paint colors?

  2. I have the exact same oak cabinets that you have. Could you give me detailed instructions on how you done them? I would sure appreciate it!