CD Storage Unit Repurpose; Guest

This little CD storage unit repurpose project was Sent over to me from Rebecca of This Present Life.  It is a great re-purpose/ recycle project.  And it is a craft room organizing idea, what more could you want?  Here is what she said:

This summer I am planning a BIG makeover at my house. I will be tackling my living/dining room which doubles as my guest/craft room. Trust me when I say it is in DESPERATE need of a makeover. We moved in to our house 2 weeks before my son was born (3 years ago!) and never really had the chance to decorate. So to say that I am SUPER EXCITED about this makeover is an understatement!

Here’s a sneak peek of the before…

(told you it was in desperate need of a makeover!).

Since my dining room is also my craft room, I’ve been trying to think of ways to organize my crafts so they can be put away when we need the room to function as a dining room. However, I also want to be inspired in this room at the same time.

I picked up this little jewel at a thrift store the other day for about $3. You may even have one laying around your house. It’s a wooden CD rack that has been painted black. You may be asking yourself, “how in the world are you going to use that in a craft room?”. Just wait, I promise you’re going to be blown away!

First, I painted it this fun apple green color (which is also the color I painted our bedroom since I’m also doing a makeover in there…stay tuned for that before and after!). I did prime it first since it was black and I had to paint 2 coats of the green.

I only painted one coat on the sides, because…

I Mod Podged some super cute paper on the sides.

The bird paper wasn’t big enough to cover the entire side, but instead of trying to match another piece up to the first, I decided to use this coordinating striped paper. I really love the look of it and I think it adds such a fun detail, I’m glad the bird paper wasn’t big enough!

Still wondering how I used this (now cute) CD rack? Check it out…

As a fabric rack! I absolutely LOVE how it turned out!

Obviously all of my fabric is not going to fit on this little rack, but I’m using it more to display some of my favorites.

I just love to look at all of these beautiful fabrics and it really is inspirational! It’s so nice to SEE all of my beautiful fabrics rather than have them folded up in a drawer or cabinet. It will also be useful for hanging fabrics that I’m currently using on a project.

Do you love it as much as I do? I think this is a great way to kick off my Craft Room Makeover! Stay tuned for more projects!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >This really turned out nice. Such a great place to display your linens/fabric. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. >What a great idea. I could see using it as a towel rack or as a display rack for linens. I agree that the stripes give the sides an extra pop. Thanks for sharing.

  3. >What a FANTASTIC idea! I think when we move and I actually have a closet just for our DVD's, I may use this same idea for our DVD racks! Thanks for sharing! It turned out lovely!

  4. >This is a great idea! I just love it, and love how it serves for unconventional purpose! Cute- effective, and re-used! Perfect combo!
    well done!

  5. >I love love love that! SO cute. That birdy paper is lovely.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm definitely following you now.

  6. >Cute! I have one of the floor racks very similar to that only about 4' tall – i've been using it as a shoe rack for years (ever since I pitched all the CD jewel cases and threw everything in binders to reclaim my space). I might have to borrow this idea and tweak it for a use in my crafting space (once it gets done). It's adorable with fabric on it! I really should learn to sew…