DIY Master Bedroom Wood Coffered Ceiling

All I could say is, “Wow!”  That looks gorgeous.  I am a sucker for architectural details.  This wood stained coffered ceiling turned out to be very beautiful.  I can’t wait until we can do some thing like this in our house.

Coffered Ceiling Tutorial Featured on Remodelaholic


Submitted By Our Small-Town Idaho Life

See how Andrew and Rachel accomplished this task with their 7 steps below.


Here is the master bedroommany moons ago. Our coffered ceiling started with simple drywall.

1.) Andrew first took 2×4’sand created a grid pattern.

2.) Next, he took four-quarter knotty alderand nailed it over top of the 2×4’s in the same grid pattern.

3.) Then using quarter-inch alder, he filled in all of the grids.

4.) To give it a finished look, Andrew wrapped each grid in crown.

5.) Then he used a maple-to-alder spray stain and a coat of lacquer.

6.) Next, he used a water-based rusty old glaze that was wiped on and off. This is what caused the knots and grain patterns to pop.

7.) After letting it dry for 30 minutes, it was lacquered one more time.

It was gorgeous, but it looked shockingly stark against the white walls. I was anxious to get everything taped and painted. If you notice, we painted the walls AND inside the coffer itself with the SW Pussy willow color.

Here it is with the tape and plastic removed (and on the floor). It all looks more complete and gradual this way.

Second perspective.

And finally, here it is finished with the ceiling fan in the center and the can lights installed along the outside edges of the coffer. This room is just waiting for carpet and vent covers!

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. Please, What is that (true) gray on your walls??!?! Im in a “this-was-gray-on-the-paintchip-dang it” nightmare!! UGH!

  2. Are you kidding me? This is genius! My husband has been wanting me to make the ceiling of his office in Pallet wood but I couldn’t figure out how to attach all those boards to the ceiling. This just solved it! Thank you so so so so much!

    1. Hi Zac: Since this post is from 2012, we have tried contacting the original author for more info, so we’ll see if they get back to us or even still know the color 🙂 Thanks for the comment!