DIY Tufted Panel Headboard

I hope you are loving Headboard Week! We are so sad that it’s almost over, but so excited about all of the awesome things we’ve been able to share with you this week! Kayla and Justin (who you might recognize and who are also new contributors!) are here to share a fabulous modern focal wall headboard. Remember, we want to feature YOU too, so link up your headboard at the end of the post (or here). 

DIY Upholstered Panel Headboard
by Kayla and Justin of Home Coming

Hi Remodelaholics! We’re Kayla and Justin from Home Coming and we’re so excited to be back at Remodelaholics sharing our latest! We’re DIY and home bloggers with a lot of love for updating a house on a budget. Justin is a carpenter by day (so he’s handy) and I’m in advertising (so I’m creative), so we’re the perfect team for taking on the task of updating our 1920′s Minneapolis house.

We’ve been renovating our Master Suite the past six months and one of my favorite finishing touches was a DIY Tufted Panel Headboard for our Master Bedroom.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

Our goals for the headboard were to be large, high-impact yet low profile (aka. thin) but affordable enough that it didn’t break our budget. Designer versions of large, tufted headboards are typically $500-750+, and that just wasn’t for us. So DIY to the rescue!

For only $115 and a weekend’s worth of time, we had this beautiful headboard.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

I started by sketching out an overall plan and measuring the space in our master bedroom where the bed would sit. I knew I wanted this headboard to fill the entire wall so our measurements needed to be precise.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

We decided to build the headboard planks individually using MDF. MDF is a cost efficient option that should withstand time and not bow. Justin cut nine planks in total; three long to match the width of our bed, and six shorter for the ends.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

I then upholstered each plank individually. This was my first upholstering job, but I think I did pretty darn good for a beginner. I put on two layers of batting and stretched my grey fabric (purchased at 30% off from Joann Fabrics) tight before securing with our soffit stapler.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

After all of the planks were upholstered, it was time to figure out how to affix each plank to the wall. Since the overall headboard is so large, we needed each piece to hang on the wall vs. attaching to traditional headboard legs or a stand. Luckily Justin is brilliant and recommended French Cleat photo hanging system.

This “French Cleat” system works out perfectly. You affix half of the system to the back of your headboard plank (or piece of artwork if you’re using it for it’s real purpose) and the other half of the system gets affixed to the wall. Then they hook on each other and literally do not budge. So smart!

So first step was putting the piece on the back of each piece of headboard plank. For the smaller pieces, we centered the hanger exactly within the rectangle to create equal pressure when hung. For the longer pieces, we put one hanger on each side.  

Tip: Make sure that the hangers are level on the wall and piece of headboard so it all hangs straight.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

After making sure that each piece was level and each piece was tight to the next, we were left with this beautiful hanging headboard.

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

And here’s the final product!

DIY Tufted Panel Headboard | Home Coming for

Want to see the rest of our Master Suite Remodel, including all the DIY projects, paintings and our new Master Bathroom? Swing over to Home Coming to check it out!

Master Suite Collage | Home Coming for——————————————

Lovely work, Kayla and Justin! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

Remodelaholics, check out all of the goodness of Headboard Week (so far!) here, like the plank wall headboard from earlier this week, and tune back in later today to get the pattern to build this curvy gal:

BHG bright bedroom curvaceous headboard

Don’t miss a single Headboard Week post! Follow us on Facebook here or subscribe to our RSS feed here.

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  1. Love the headboard! It’s beautiful!! Love your bathroom too!! Loving headboard week. I’ve gotten so many awesome ideas and pinned so many too. Thanks 🙂

    1. We do, too! This would also be a good way to easily adjust from a twin to queen to king headboard, by adding panels.