10 Easy House Updates You Can Make in One Day!

Ready for a home makeover but cringing at the thought of long-term projects? Roll up your sleeves because we’ve compiled ten nifty home upgrades you can zip through in just a day.

Here are ten easy updates for your house you can make in a day:

10. Give Your Front Door a Fresh Coat of Paint

White Front Door
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Has your front door seen better days? Well, we’ve got an update that’s as easy as pie. Just pick a paint color that screams “you” and spend the day giving your door a brand-new look. From a welcoming pastel to a daring red, your front door can instantly set the tone for your home.

9. Spice Up Your Cabinets with New Knobs

Cabinet Knobs
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Hey, ever thought how a teeny tiny tweak could pack a big punch? Absolutely! Just by swapping out those old cabinet knobs, you’ll be giving your kitchen a spanking new vibe. From snazzy brass to cool chrome, the options are endless. This cinch of an update will have your kitchen looking stylish without busting your budget!

8. Create Your Own Accent Wall

Accent Wall
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Ever wonder how an accent wall can seriously amp up a room? Sure, paint’s always an option, but what about trying out removable wallpaper? It’s a game-changer, trust us. There are some jaw-dropping designs out there that can totally transform your space!

7. Make Your Lighting Shine

Stylish Light Fixtures
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Fancy ditching those ancient light fixtures for something a bit more up-to-date? You’ll be astounded at the difference it can make. Trust us, it’s a switch that’s totally worth it!

6. DIY Floating Shelves

6a Bathroom Floating Shelves After 094213
Photo Credit: Designed to Dwell for Remodelaholic.

Floating shelves aren’t just about stashing your stuff; they also bring a smooth, modern vibe to any room. Plus, they’re easier to install than you’d think. There are plenty of handy guides available online to help you nail this upgrade.

5. Refresh Your Window Treatments

Blinds And Sunlight
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Swap those old blinds for some stylish drapes or roller shades. They’re a snap to install, and you won’t believe the transformation. Check out these chic and easy options.

4. Lay Down a New Rug

Living Room With Rug
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Want to dial up the cozy factor and inject a little luxury into your living room? Think about unfurling a fresh new rug! With endless designs and textures up for grabs, a spanking new rug can totally revamp your room and pull your décor together like nothing else.

3. Revamp Your Fireplace

Fire Place
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Your fireplace isn’t just for roasting marshmallows, folks; it’s a centerpiece! So how about treating it to a well-deserved makeover? Whether you’re dreaming of a new mantle or a complete tile overhaul, a refreshed fireplace is sure to spark some serious conversation and turn your living area into a cozy haven.

2. Freshen Up the Bathroom

Bathroom Modern
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Bathroom renovations don’t have to be extensive. You can simply replace the mirror, update the shower curtain, and grab some new towels.

1. Install a New Backsplash

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Photo Credit: For Remodelaholic.

The kitchen backsplash is a perfect place to experiment with color and design. The sickest part is that you can pull it off in just one day.

There you have it, folks! Ten easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy updates you can knock out in just a day—get on it, and let’s make that home of yours shine like a new penny!

Home Trends Going Out of Style

Man Regretting
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Jump on board the time machine, and let’s check out some old home design trends that are so yesterday. We’re talking about things that used to be cool but now make us go, “Huh?” Here are 15 outdated home trends that need a major makeover!

What is a Terrible Home Design Trend?

Upset Women
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Sometimes we dream of building a new home, and what great ideas we have for it.  But we don’t want to make big mistakes, what are the horrible new home trends that we want to avoid?

10 Home Renovations that can Decrease its Value

Suprise Renovations
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

With increasing interest rates and mortgage prices, getting the most value for your home is imperative. Homeowners and real estate agents speak about the renovations that could decrease the value of your home and why. Here are the renovations to look out for.

Declutter Fast: 7 Items Experts Say Must Go!

Cluttered Desk Lady Shutterstock 95079337
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Every home needs to be organized and arranged to exhibit its beauty. If your space is untidy, here is how to declutter fast get rid of these seven items decluttering experts would take out now!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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