Fabulous Finish: Wicker table Revamped; Guest Post

Remodelaholic’s Anonymous Link Party Go Here

Jane over at Finding Fabulous had this great little makeover, and I seriously love how it turned out.   Go check out her blog.  (she also has a Friday link party just FYI, but make sure you link up to Remodelaholic’s Anonymous before you go!! Pretty-Please)  This is what Jane did:

This end table on our screened-in-porch was in serious need of a makeover!  
Here’s the “after”, like any good ravamp brace yourself for the “before”.

Yup, were talkin’ D-R-A-B city!

I used Krylon Spray Paint in Ivy Leaf…love this color! 

Here we’ve got a good coat of spraypaint.  Such an improvement, but something’s missing.  It needs some character!

I mixed a glaze with dark brown latex paint and water (equal parts).  Just brushed it on, and wiped the excess off with a rag.  Super easy! 

Now this table has some color and character….love that!

Got some old wicker?  Revamp it with paint and glaze and your old furniture will look great again!

I think that the glaze makes the piece, 
don’t you think?  It gives it so much character… 
Now I just need to find someone’s cast off wicker furniture!!!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Pretty! I love that color!!
    I want that wicker table AND the screened in porch. 🙂

  2. >Isn't it amazing what a little can of spray paint can do?!? Love the color you chose – so fresh!!

    Thanks for stopping by The Cottage Home…..so happy to find your lovely blog :-).


  3. >ok, this is my style!! Love the wicker 😉 shelly ps…i'm going to be restoring & refinishing an old chair (1940's i think) i will keep you in mind and send you pics. It's a big job, but will be used for a time out chair i got idea from another blog..lol

  4. I am going to try doing my wicker in the ivy leaf, but not sure I under stand the glaze mix. Do I get a glaze to mix with the dark paint and water? Or is the glaze actually the dark paint and water? Sorry but I am new at this.