Fifth wall; Beadboard Ceiling Makeover: Guest

I love beadboard, even on the ceiling, a beadboard ceiling!!  How lovely! See how House of Smith’s did it 

This has got to be my MOST favorite project that we have done to date.  I LOVE the way it turned out.  I’ve gotten lots of emails about this bathroom ceiling… so here ya go!

Beadboard ceiling
The ceiling was  a bit to big for a sheet of beadboard ceiling.  So whe planned for a big frame instead.
They bought some 7 inch board… and cut a basic 45 degree angle frame
 This is the whole thing… cut… before we painted and installed it.
I painted all the pieces white before we installed anything.
Some liquid nails on the back of each piece
First piece secured with a few nails from the nail gun.
Now you can see  the frame up on the ceiling 
Up goes the beadboard! Cut to fit the size of the frame.  Just some glue and nails, and a few helpers..
This isn’t just a one man/woman job… it takes a little “crew”… and a photographer. 🙂
On goes the trim piece, inside to cover any gaps.
We just used liquid nails for this step, and some tape to hold it in place while it dried… we didn’t want to split the thin wood


With some spackling fill the crack and sand.

Here is the view from the ground…

Last trim piece!
Just adhered with liquid nails as well.

More nail hole filling, and painting!  and finally TA-DA! Finished!


What do you think?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >WOW! Thanks so much for the feature!
    I'm totally honored!!!
    And YES! Do it!
    You will LOVE it!
    Shelley Smith

  2. >That looks amazing!!! Great job!! What a wonderful "trick" to make the frame around the bead board. Thanks for the "tutorial", too!! Love you blog…and your humor!!!

  3. >This really is beautiful. The thick trim work around the edge is what makes it special.

  4. >Love the beadboard ceiling! I never would have thought to do that! We have horrible popcorn ceilings…I may just have to steal your idea! Great job and thanks for sharing!!

  5. >Oh my, that is such a great idea!!! LOVE how that looks! Wonder what it would look like in my bathroom …

  6. >What a fantastic ceiling I LOVE IT. I also have to agree with you. The putty is AMAZING. My dad said it is the slickest stuff he has seen in a while when it comes to putty.

    Just wanted to let you know I am following your blog but as soon as reorganize mine I will be grabbing your button.

  7. >Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've hopped on over to yours and instantly fell in LOVE with your style and crafting ideas. Especially the one's that are easy on the budget 🙂

    I'm following you back!

    Stephanie @ My Frugal Lifestyle

  8. Thank you so much for posting this idea..I saw it online awhile ago and pinned it, and last month we did it! It looks awesome! Our bathroom was pretty much the same size and everyone comments how great it looks. It also allowed us to leave a few holes around the new recessed lights without having to worry about patching the drywall. Thanks again!! If I could post a pic, I would!!

  9. So happy I found this. I am tackling an ugly popcorn ceiling in my bathroom and this is exactly what I want to do but never thought of the trim piece. So anxious to do this. Thank you!

  10. I would love to do this white beadboard ceiling in a bedroom, that I am doing in shabby chic. What kind of beadboard or thickness etc did you use?

  11. I soooo want to do this to my bathroom this week, but it’s our only bathroom, and my family has someone in the shower constantly. How well does the bead board hold up in frequently used bathrooms?

  12. This is exactly what I plan to do here in the next month. Has it done ok over the years with moisture? That’s my only real concern. I figure if it’s primed, painted, and all seams are sealed with caulk that it should be protected from warping.