Finding a Happy Place; Crafting Space, Guest Project

Cami, from over at Creating by Cami sent me a link to her craft room and again, this is such a great space!  I love the colors especially, and I could really use and awesome gigantic cutting table like that.   Lets face it, I need a crafting warehouse with all the great ideas I am getting from you all!! Take it away Cami:

I’m really excited to post these pictures, mainly because that means that it is done. It also means I can stop pestering my husband with my ideas that require his handy work. Well. . . at least I’ll be able to keep the other ideas brewing in my head quiet for awhile.

If you want to read more about how this room became possible, read this previous post.

Here are the before pictures. If you think they are bad you should have seen the before the before. Those would have been too embarrassing to post. This room previously acted as a catch all for whatever, and was rarely entered into. It is a tiny room, and we tried to use our space wisely. I’m just grateful to have a room all for me! I hope you are prepared for a lot of pictures.
How a mind was able to be creative in this mess in unknown.
And now after a lot of woodworking from my husband, and late nights, the new craft/sewing room.

I love my new room! Here are some close up’s and details of the process.
First I’ll brag about the shelves my husband built. They are wonderful and chuck full of room to store things. We covered the back with my favorite pink colored fabric. They are made out of MDF which made them extremely heavy, but affordable. The bottom two shelves were supposed to be drawers, but as you can see, I wouldn’t have been able to open them any way.
The shelves store all my fabric, along with many other things.
I roll my fabric and keep it together with elastic. You can store a lot more that way. It’s also nice to be able to see all my fabric out so I know what I have. Then again, maybe I won’t have as good of an excuse to buy more. The blue bins (bought for 4 bucks at a local grocery store) store scrap fabrics, yarn and other stuff.
The pink bins hold batting and interfacing, and projects that need tackling.
Here are some dollar store bins to house extra thread and binding, as well as some more fabric and such.
These shelves store all my books and resources, pressing supplies, glue, paint brushes, and whatever else in an organized fashion. You can also read this post for more info on my thrifty storage solutions.
The smaller shelves on the far left hold all my paper crafting and scrap booking supplies. If I can stop sewing so much, maybe I’ll get to all of that.
The windowsill houses my colorful flowers and buttons. I knew I kept those baby food jars for a reason. I just spray painted the lids to make them cute. I knew that “lovely” scenery needed all the help it could get.
These bar stools used to be hideous things, with only a piece of particle board to sit on. We painted and upholstered them.
I originally wanted peg board to store these items, but that would have cost more than I wanted to spend. The 3 boards were sitting in our garage (from who knows where my husband picked them up.) He drilled holes for the wooded dowels for my home made thread storage. Then we found the cheapest hooks at Home Depot for the rest. I love it!
Here some hooks, string and clothes pins display the projects I’m working on (or want to), or things I like to look at.
My ironing board hangs on the inside of the door, out of the way.
This table serves as a creative workplace for the kiddos. Of course it can raise up for me if it needs to.
Now onto my favorite part of all. The cutting table that my dear sweet husband designed and built himself. My back always hurt from bending over to do my projects, and now that problem is solved.

Isn’t she a beauty? My measuring tools hang on the wall right by it. Pattern making paper is directly above it hanging on a dowel. But wait until you see what it can do.
The center lifts out for more hidden storage.
I can store my pressing mat and iron on the bottom.
And it is fold-able! Both sides fold up for easy moving and to allow more room if needed. Isn’t it amazing! I couldn’t be happier about my cutting table.
Above the table is my project display shelf (also made by my husband). I made the books out of old readers digest novels. The big dice was made out of large wooden blocks (also made by my husband) and hand painted. I was inspired here.
The books serve a dual purpose. 1. To be cute 2. store my magazine clippings that inspire me.
I just glue anything that inspires me onto the pages. One is for home decor, the other two for sewing projects and crafts. If you want a tutorial on how I did this, click here.

A special thanks to my dear husband who made all this possible. He is such a talented man and I’m grateful to have him. Another thanks to my mother in law who serves as my sewing inspiration and who also handed down the majority of stuff that equipped this room. Most of my thread, ribbon, fabric, and many other things were given to me by her. It would be a boring room without all of that! And another thanks to all the weight competition losers who didn’t try as hard as me and my husband in the competition. This allowed us the money to make this room happen.

Hope you enjoyed it-I know I will!

Great Job Cami!
Seriously, I need to go work on my craft room!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >What an inspiring room! I'm currently redoing our office/craft room right now so all the inspiration I can get, the better! I love the idea of using the dollar store bins for storage. I've got to check out my dollar store to see if they have those. Thanks!