Free Thanksgiving Printable

Free Thanksgiving Printable Art and Place Cards @Remodelaholic #free #printable #thanksgiving

Hey there, Remodelelaholic-ers! My name is Madaline and it’s fantastic to meet you all!  I write the blog  “designer. wife. regular person.”, I’m the designer/creator of Paper Clouds and I’ve got some awesome printables exclusive for you guys!
So, now that Halloween has past, did you know that there are 51 days until Christmas? Oh Em Gee!  But wait…isn’t there one last holiday in there that honors the last glimpse of fall? Thanksgiving of course!  Often times Thanksgiving gets brushed over by Christmas as soon as November 1st rolls around.  But, this year I’m hosting Thanksgiving at my house with my parents, grandparents and in laws and I want it to be EXTRA special!  I’m taking all the stops for planning!  First up, I sent some super cute invitations to everyone (what, you don’t send invitations to Thanksgiving dinner? I said I was pulling all the stops…plus I am a Graphic Designer…) and now I’ve created these place cards and a print just for you!
I plan on using these place cards not only to mark seating at the table, but to help label food on the buffet and all the yummy desserts!  These simple things can make your Thanksgiving dinner just a touch more personal for everyone (not to mention how awesome they’ll think you are!).  All you have to do is click in the box and print straight to your printer from here.  Just cut out the place cards on the crop marks, fold in half and write in the name.  The quote print is designed for an 8×10 frame, but can be printed on cardstock and displayed on its own.
I hope you guys enjoy and I would love for you to check out the shop and keep up with what I’ve been up to on facebook!
(Hey y’all this is Cassity, I just wanted to say that I am really excited to have Madaline here helping me to bring you some great *FREE* printables.  I hope this is a great way for you to to do some free decorating for your holidays! *And possibly relieve you from some extra work!   And if you like it, please share it – a pin or a mention on Facebook would be fabulous!   THANKS, oh and Please be sure to check out her shop Paper Clouds!)
P.S. The winner of the slip covers from is comment #13 Kristen and  #50 Anna!   Congratulations!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Did you know that you google reader settings have changed? It only shows one little sentence. 🙁 Thought you’d want to know!

    1. Claire! I am so sorry, I have my tech guy trying to figure this out… I am so frustrated by it, cuz according to my setting it says the feeds should be in full. Bear with me hopefully it will be fixed in the next few days!

    1. Hey Kat! There is a little arrow at the bottom of the box for the printable, and all you have to do is click on that and it will bring up your “Save As” dialogue box. I hope you enjoy them! I think Madaline did a great job!