Fun Striped Art Tutorial

DIY Striped Art Tutorial

Hi! I’m Alison from Classy Columbus Designs, and I am so honored to be guest posting today at Remodelaholic!! Cassity was so sweet to ask me! Thank you!
I am an interior designer by trade. I moved to Savannah from the bitter cold north about ten years ago and I now claim to be a Southerner! I love design, and love to save money even more! 🙂
We have moved across Georgia and now live in Columbus, near Fort Benning.
I am a proud mama to two very active little boys and I’m also a proud army wife.
Blogging gives me a creative outlet and a way to share a lot of projects that I would be doing around the house anyways, it’s just so fun to document it and share with you!

Now, on to our art tutorial:

I’ve had this canvas forever… I bought it for our first house and painted it to mimic a dish I had bought at a little shop in downtown Savannah. I got sick of it, I think I had given the plate away, and I had a very haphazard, unplanned attack on this canvas with a blue paintbrush about a year ago and it was an epic fail… so it sat around just begging for a facelift and to go back on the wall somewhere.
Pre-stretched canvas can usually be purchased at any arts & crafts store. Check the paper for coupons for Michael’s and Hobby Lobby to save yourself a few dollars! My canvas here is 36″ x 48″.
I started taping off the stripes and quickly remembered rule #1 of painting. Prime. oops.
Then, I used a T-square left over from my college days that just so happened to be about the same length as my canvas to make sure my lines were straight. I taped the masking tape directly to the T-square and rolled it across the canvas. It worked like a charm.
I started out trying to eyeball it, and that didn’t work. I am way too lazy to measure anything, so thank goodness I had the T square on hand. I taped off one color at a time then painted each line. I just made the lines random widths and knew that with all of the different colors, I could make it work
The paint dried very quickly since it was acrylic paint and I made sure to peel the masking tape off pretty quickly before the paint dried completely so that it would not peel. Success!
For the paint, I used acrylic and colors that I had on hand:
Americana Spa Blue & Burnt Umber
Ceramcoat OJ
Craft Smart Lime Green
The white was latex wall paint.
I found this Super Value Pack of brushes from Plaid at Wal-Mart for under $5.
It really is a super value! I used the chip brush for all the colors.
And voila! Finished product:
Thank you again, Cassity! I hope you all enjoyed that and I hope you’ll stop by and see me at
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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