Girls Room Makeover With Striped Walls

Girls Room Makeover With Striped Walls

Wa-hoo! I am definitely and finally done with my daughter’s bedroom. If you have been following along this is week 5. Not too shabby, considering I have been doing it myself when I’ve able to find some spare time.
blah, blah, blah…we all know you are here for the pictures, so here they are…little girls striped wall bedroom

little girls striped wall bedroom2

And of course a good reveal is nothing with out reference of where it all started…

Obviously, the biggest change was the removal of the wall to wall closet and replacing it with the 2 smaller cabinet style closets.

The original closets were just too large for the room. There was a lot of wasted space, and it made furniture layout difficult. So by taking out the center portion, I have now created a space for a twin sized bed. If she ever gets a larger bed, we can change the space to be her desk/workstation and move the bed to the other side of the room.

I needed help framing out the closets, that is where my dad came in handy. He was a godsend, creating the spacing and getting the doors up.

I took over from there.

My original plan got scrapped along the way, which I am OK with. Sometimes taking an alternate course allows you to come with something you would never have dreamed of in the first place. In a way this room is like that. While some of my vision is still there, a lot of the final choices were new causing the whole room to take on a different final look.

I knew I wanted to keep the walls pale, but my daughter wanted a bright room (she is 6 after all and it is her room). It was a struggle to keep her focused and to trust me when I showed her the colors for the wall.

The stripe colors include SW Pinkish, SW Individual White, SW Topsail and SW Sagey. The base color is Behr Swiss Coffee.

To bring in the pops of color, we decided to find a bright fabric for the window coverings. We went with…

This is where I am unconventional in my decorating choices. I know I do it all backwards by choosing the wall color before the fabric. However, I like doing it this way, because it gives it a “put-together-over-time” look that I enjoy. I did not want it to look too matchy. I wanted it to be a bit unexpected. I think I have done that.

I added the pennants to bring the bright colors to the other side of the room and to give some visiual interest to the wall.

I did not want to place pictures above the picture rail in this room, since my daughter is not even 4 feet tall, I knew they would have been too high for her to enjoy. But, the bare walls needed a little something, and the pennants were a perfect and inexpensive solution.

She even got a little vanity/work station in her room.

She is a little girly-girl, so she needs a place to primp.

I am usually good about telling you how it all costs, but I must confess, I have no clue on this one. Of course it cost me more than I wanted, but I did choose budget friendly options. Over the next week or so I want to break down areas of the room and talk more of what I did.

Until then I want to make sure you got a proper look….

This project was contributed by one of our fabulous readers! We love to share your projects with this great blogging community. So, if you have projects from kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, overhauled and repurposed furniture, spray paint updates you name it please send it in! Thanks for reading Remodelaholic!

More cute kid room makeovers:

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. WOW–these are the EXACT colors we used to paint stripes on our daughter’s “big girl” room in 2005 when we turned 2. We moved from that house 5 years ago so seeing this post melted my heart. I showed our daughter, who is about to turn 10, and she said, “Those are the same colors as the stripes in my room at the old house!” I love it!