Have Yourself a Tacky Little Christmas!

Well, y’all know I love to dress up.  And what is better than dressing up?  Having your friends dress up too!  About a year ago, I saw on a friend’s blog that she went to a tacky Christmas sweater party and I have been planning on having one ever since. 

And we did.

Here is some of the inspirational photos I sent along with my tacky email invitation.  ( I know I emailed an invitation, time constraints, what else can I say!)  I have no idea who or where these are from, I am so sorry!

But by far the best inspirational photo we found, the one we lovingly refer to as CS man
(Christmas Spirit Man) and the one my husband tried very hard to channel for the party is this:

I have more pictures to prove that we actually did have this party.  For your viewing pleasure… oh and don’t forget to have yourself a Tacky Sweater Christmas!

Our guests (sorry about the no names I didn’t ask them about sharing that and I would rather not!) Some need to show off the front and back of their sweaters:

Lets see another pic of that hecka bright wreath sweater.
I love how her face is glowing!
…and I got to use some of my pewter and silver dishes, so I was excited.
Doesn’t that look almost good enough to eat!

Here is my favorite decoration from this year:


Okay that is good for now…. What do you mean I didn’t put any pictures of us up? 
Oh well, okay, if you insist! We were laughing our heads off. 

Our Christmas tree is a little short, and I am not, especially with 3 inch heals!  So, after I took these pictures and I looked at them, I realized I look like a very large lumber jack, with a really small head…! 
But doesn’t that just make it more hilarious!

Check out how Justin is standing… I am laughing so hard right now!
And some more individual shots….

Justin, all I can say is that I really love you!  And isn’t life fun?!!
ps (I made two stockings out of Justin’s sweater and they look fabulous! 
And yes, that is an embroidered Santa head on Justin’s turtleneck!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >these pics are great. my friends and i had an ugly christmas sweater party last year and it included a contest for random categories such as best handmade, sexiest (which is hard when it comes to ugly sweaters!), the #1 ugliest, etc. it was hilarious! now we can't think of a way to top it this year!

  2. >how fun! I was sorry Etta wasn't included in this party theme but I'm sure finding tacky sweaters for gorgeous baby girls is nearly impossible. Super cute and fun and I'm still excited about making stockings from sweaters myself.