Kitchen Review and Reveal

Well, it is finally time for the kitchen reveal!  I told you all about my sad “no painting allowed” story on Wednesday.  How the Realtor said we couldn’t paint our cabinets because we had chosen to rent the house and that painting them would not be the best choice.  And the cabinets are only 10 years old, so they were not worth replacing , cheap though they may be.

Since we chose to rent out our house, we wanted to be realistic about a few things.  The house is probably not going to be returned to us in better shape than we handed it over. (Although I do love the actual tenants, so maybe?)  But also, there is a limit to how much we can earn each month from the house, so investing in to a new kitchen would be pointless, (at least until we decide to sell – and I doubt we will do it then either).

Once, I accepted the fact that our kitchen was going to stay this color, I had to decide what small changes we could make to improve the look of the space and ideas to update oak kitchen cabinets.  Besides a few of the things I showed you that we did just to live in the space, I also tiled the back splash including a half wall as an accent for more interest and lastly adding some architectural character to the existing cabinets. I found out that I can, in fact, update a kitchen without painting the oak cabinets! Take a look at what we were able to accomplish:

Update Your Kitchen Without Painting, A Tutorial From Remodelaholic

In addition to the items mentioned above, here are few other things that I did to make the kitchen look a little better in itself and in our space.

1. Added some hardware (I went for the color black to match the grout and appliances)

2. Add orange to the living room.  This was a HAPPY accident.  We received our new family room rug the same day that we had the carpets cleaned, so while waiting for the carpets to dry, I rolled it out in our living room.  All of a sudden the tile in the kitchen was not as offensive, because it matched something else… WOW!

3. Use a complimentary color to help the orange pop.  This was not that much of a stretch since turquoise and blue are a main color way in the last home, but bringing that color into the kitchen really helped the orange look nicer.

Okay, so what, can it be a good “before and after” with out a hideous “before”?  Okay, this is not super hideous (although you need to see how truly disgusting it was…)


Befreo kitchen and dining room (4)

1 Before Kitchen 2 Before kitchen


Cleaning up the mess after buying our house:

<KENOX S730 / Samsung S730>

Small repair and updates over time (before the actual makeover):


Installing a subway tile back splash (and tutorial):

IMG_5773 (651x1024)

Updating the Cabinets Tutorial (without painting of course):

ideas to update oak kitchen cabinets


Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal8

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal2

ideas to update oak kitchen cabinets

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal7

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal3

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal4

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal5

Final Kitchen Makeover Reveal6

Well, what do you think?  It is a much better space if you ask me!  I love the ideas to update oak kitchen cabinets that we came up with!  And I think when and if we update, when we are ready to sell, we might try staining the cabinets a dark chocolate to match the living room floors, or just go ahead and paint them, but for now we are happy with the changes we made…

FYI, here is a link to when we were building the columns in case you want to see how we did it.

[pinit align=”center” url=”” image_url=”×800.png” description=”No paint needed! Update your kitchen, including keeping the oak cabinets, with these ideas from Remodelaholic. #Remodelaholic #kitchenideas #kitchenremodel #kitchendesign”]

How To Keep Your Oak Cabinets And Update Your Kitchen From Remodelaholic

Looking for more kitchen ideas?

Check these out:

DIY Faux Brick Backsplash

How to Design a Budget Kitchen + Island, Farmhouse Style

Postbox Designs: DIY Budget Kitchen Design

Great Kitchen Backsplashes

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. What color are your pull handles…I need to replace ours and I don’t know if I should do black or oil rubbed bronze? Would it be possible to get an up-close picture of them? Thanks!