Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Upstairs Bath Remodel: Part 5

Wet Your Appetite: Part 1
Got Paint: Part 2
Tile With Style: Part 3
For Vanity’s Sake : Part 4

In eighth grade English class we had to write poetry.  I wrote one particular poem that I still really like.  I borrowed the idea from Snow White, which is, incidentally “out of the Disney vault” at this very moment!   Buy one today… or don’t ,I really don’t care.  But anyway, I think the poem is fitting for this post let me share it with you. 

Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who’s the fairest of them all?
Do you think when I look in there,
That I could scare a Grizzly bear?
Or do you think I’m really sweet,
The problem is so is everything I eat.
Sometimes I think I shouldn’t ask,
and in myself begin to bask,
then others when I am so low,
I’m sure the answer will be no.
And sometimes my faults shine through,
like the nose that often blocks my view…
But anyway, Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who’s the fairest of them all?
Well, that was fun reminiscing.  What did you think?
On to the business at hand.  The mirror in the bathroom was just your average sheet of glass.  At least it was big, but other then that, it has nothing great to speak of.  No beveled edges, no frame.  So Justin built a frame.
It looks rather nice.  Although we need to update the light now for sure, I was thinking of just leaving it.  Even though I know it isn’t beautiful…
Here are the project details. The Before:
This is the mirror frame before it was painted.
All the pieces that Justin cut to make it solid and fit in the space.
Look, it’s our little Buddy-helper.  He loves to hand out with us while we work and help out where he can, for example trying to catch that pesky light that gets in the drills way!
The final cabinet to come.  And it will be done.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Nice job do you hire out. When we come to Texas you guys come to our house and do a little remodeling while we watch Etta in Texas.
    Grandpa K

  2. I love the final look. I was wondering how you managed to put the frame over those little plastic pieces on the top that hold the mirror to the wall? Do you have to cut a piece out of the frame to lay it flat on the mirror?

    1. Patti, yes I had to cut out the back of the frame for it to sit flat on the glass. The best tool for that is a hammer and chisel or a multi-tool.