Orange Pomander Floral Arrangement

Hi there lovely Remodelaholic fans! Ursula here, from Home Made by Carmona! Last time I shared how to make a Chic DIY floating frame for a canvas, and today I’m back to share a lovely fragrant project perfect for the holidays!

When I was young I had the sweetest little playhouse, a shed house my dad built for me, and I would fill it with flowers, dried herbs I hung from the ceilings, and orange clove pomanders! It was my dreamy pretend “home” filled with with great smells. To this day I imagine that the perfect holiday home would be filled with sweet aromas long before the yummy meal smells of the holiday feast began!

How to make a pomander and floral arrangement

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, orange pomanders mixed into a floral bouquet make the perfect fragrant centerpieces!

How to Make An Orange Pomander Floral Bouquet -for Remodelaholic

As a matter of fact, it is just the project to keep the kids out of holiday mischief (and the cooking food!), yet allows them to be a part of the festivity preparation.

Supplies: You will need cloves, and you can use apples, oranges, kiwi, and a host of other fruit, but I think small tangerines are the best! They are cute, fun for a mid-snack project, and not so big that the kids tire of the project before they are half done!

Pomander Supplies - HMBC for Remodelaholic

Poke whole cloves into the tangerines, or if it makes life easier for the young ones to keep a straight line, mark the tangerine with a sharpie to show where the line of cloves should be placed.

Pomanders - cloves1 - HMBC for Remodelaholic

You can poke the cloves directly into the skin of the tangerine, but if you meet some difficulty getting through the skin use a skewer end to make guide holes. Of course skewers are a bit sharp for younger children to handle, so I recommend a small chopstick (it has a rounded end!).

Pomanders - holes -HMBC for Remodelaholic

Insert skewers into your completed pomanders and add to any flower arrangement!

Pomander - skewer - HMBC for Remodelaholic

Pomanders and flowers -HMBC for Remodelaholic

Whether placed in a big wildflower styled arrangements, or small compact arrangements, pomanders help compliment the floral bouquet and fill the room with a unique fragrance. An orange and spice aroma between the scent of the flowers is one I’ll always associate with the holidays.

Pomanders - flower arrangement - for Remodelaholic

Pomander and flowers - HMBC for Remodelaholic

The best part? The pomanders last long after the flower arrangement has died. Plug the holes from the skewers with cloves, place in a bag with cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg, shake and allow it to cure in a dry location for several days. The orange skin will dry without the orange becoming moldy. It is almost as if you have embalmed the orange in spices…it can last months to a year! If you cover the fruit entirely with cloves, it makes a beautiful centerpiece that you can have for multiple years!

Pomanders -in bowls - Home Made by Carmona for Remodelaholic
I hope you and the family enjoy this simple little project as much as my family did! I have memories of doing it as a child, and now my children have the same memories to enjoy as well!

If you love this simple project, you’ll love my DIY fall themed napkin rings! See the entire tutorial here.

Leaf napkin holders - Home Made by Carmona

You will also enjoy my Giving Thanks DIY place settings. There is no prettier or sweeter way to show your loved ones how grateful you are to have them in your life than this Thanksgiving table setting! Learn how to make them here.

Give Thanks With Holiday Place Settings - Home Made by Carmona


For more easy, family-friendly fall decorating, try one of these gratitude crafts:

crafty ways to give thanks

an easy fall burlap garland:


a leaf-inspired craft or two:

Autumn Leaf Crafts Pinterest Pic

or print a few of these lovely vintage nature images to decorate with:

25 Free Natural History Images for Fall | #free #printables #art

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  1. we did these when i was a kid we lived in fl so we got all the fruit free off the trees and the whole house smelled like oranges and cloves xx