PR 2: Painting the Bookcase Interiors Black!

UPDATE: Get the tutorial to build your own built-in bookshelves and corner bookshelf.

Progress Report #2
Painting the Bookcase Interiors Black!

Well, this may be my “#2” progress report, but it is not crap!  (Sorry, I find potty humor kinda funny!)

I painted the shelves.  I was given the gift of a good long nap time (thank you Etta and Lydia!) so I just went for it.   Actually you don’t ever really  know how long nap time will be when it begins, so I started working on the lowest shelves first… I got the bottom three shelf backs painted before I had “helpers”.  Thank heaven for baby packs- hands free!

I used the black door paint that I already owned… I had only one problem, it is semi gloss.  After I got it up I realized it needed to be matte (like the paper test version), or eggshell at least, but it needs more than one coat of paint anyway, so I will have to get to that next.

Do you likey?  Me Likey. (Hey Mikey… that rhymes)  And since it is my house, I am trying to make myself happy…. so I guess if you don’t like it, just be glad, my brush wielding self isn’t on a rampage…

Way Before…
Before, (with test paper)

Starting to Paint…

By the way, we hung a small T.V. in the shelves, the black helps to disguise it a lot.
We don’t actually have TV channels, it is just a movie player.  Actually I got a great deal on buying it on Amazon.  It is a region free player, 19 inch flat screen for $109. bucks.  NOT bad I tell you, I looked round.
It is perfect for the Dutch movies we buy to help Etta supplement her language learning.  Otherwise, it is also there purely for distraction purposes when I need to cook or clean the kitchen (my excuse is that at least it is in a foreign language…most of the time)
(Oh ya, I rented Tangled, hadn’t seen it yet.  I LOVE IT…
 I may have literally watched it 7 times in two days, and no it wasn’t in a foreign language, so no excuses)
After- Ta da!
I am really happy with the black.
Honestly though, if I hadn’t seen this image that I posted about, I don’t think I would have thought of it.  Which is sad since our doors are all going to the dark side too, and it really compliments them.
Oh, and I do know that I haven’t “staged” the shelves.  I am not naturally a strong “decorator”- I am not into knick-knacks at all, and until I am sure exactly what colors I am using for the whole space, and I am not purchasing anything for them.   I guess it will be something that will be saved for another day… which is good, cuz I need little projects to do for you all!
Tell me, would you ever consider painting the interiors of your shelves black?  I’d love to see them if you do!
p.s. On the family front Etta had her first ponytail- so I have to show you all a few pictures.
Have a great night!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I just painted my interior doors and railing black, it looks awesome! But, it is scratchingany advice?
    Your reno’s are beautiful btw, i am lusting…

    1. Maybe another coat of black to clean it up and then seal it with a polyurethane, if it yellows it won’t matter (water based, but still a lot of work…) But i didn’t have the scratching problem, I had semi gloss paint, that might have helped?