Shoe in, Shoe Makeover Fun! Guest

A couple of days ago I got these shoes for $2 at a Family Dollar store.

I know this isn’t really home decor related, but I love a good inexpensive but adorable craft and this looks awesome!  I just need to go to Family Dollar before they are all gone!  This party link is from Stepping Through Crazy

They’ve got a nice chocolate brown color, and I knew when I saw them that they had potential.  But the huge flowers had to go.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought so!

I took the scissors to those things, and had this:

I couldn’t get the gold centers off, but that wasn’t a problem because I was just going to cover them, anyway.

After cutting the flowers off, I had tons of brown petals left over.

I grabbed six plain petals and one studded petal, and hot glued them in a line like this:

Then I made another one for the other shoe.

Once those were finished, I grabbed some coordinating fabric,

and cut two strips about 28-ish inches long.  Definitely not perfect, but they didn’t need to be.

I twisted one end,

and started wrapping it in a circle, twisting and dabbing hot glue as I went.

I stopped wrapping before I reached the end, leaving enough to cover  the backside of my ‘flower’,

folded it over,  hot glued it to the back, and trimmed off any excess.  (Oh, and repeated the process for the second strip of fabric.)

Now all that was left was to put them on the shoes.  First I hot glued on the brown petal line, a little off center,

followed by a fabric flower, slightly overlapping the studded petal.

Did the same for the other shoe, and I now have myself a super cute, unique pair of shoes for $2!!

Aren’t they fun?!  I love how she reused the flowers that she didn’t like!  A fun, quick makeover on the cheap, for those in need of a doable project!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Oh my gosh, I was so surprised to see my shoes here today! Thanks so much for featuring me & my shoes!!!

  2. >What a great idea. I love how they turned out. I'm def. going to give this a try! I've been on the hunt for really cute flats.

  3. >That is beyond brilliant! I am not sure I've ever been in a Family Dollar but there's one close and I am so going there this week to check it out.

  4. >Very cute. I am a bit of a shoe freak and I splurged this year on a pair of Mohop shoes. You would totally love them ( They are basically a wood shoe base with loops and you can make the tops anything you can think of. fun stuff!