The (good) Mood Board; Living Room Edition

Okay y’all I am really excited for the second good mood board hop (check out our other one here my board and the recap link up).  We are doing living rooms this week.  The goal for this hop, is that you, our lovely readers can get a ton of free mood board inspiration, and possibily find some great new blogs to read, so here are the WONDERFUL participating bloggers:

Monday November 28th:
Tuesday November 29th:
Wednesday November 30th:
Thursday December 1:

So normally these mood boards are made up spaces.  BUT, this time I hope you don’t mind me doing my actual “family room”.  This is the room that we live in the most.  And since we just finished a huge built in storage project, and are working on an indoor playhouse (here is one post but there is more to come on that soon…) in there, I really want to talk about hopes and dreams.  Because really I don’t have the cash to make this happen-yet, BUT  this mood board can act as my direction board.  What I would like this space to become, then as I move forward I can make sure the items I find or really want fit my overall desired look, that way I can avoid big costly purchases, or little mistakes- that also add up quickly, and as an added bonus, I will be more aware of needs if I happen across a great deal, I can get it!  Actually since finishing the room I am already really pumped about moving forward, even if it is at my snail pace


A little info about the room.  It is a decent sized room 15′ x 19′ plus a little on the second floor of our house.  It used to be our home office space as well, but we recently decided to move that down stairs.  But it still has our piano, TV, TOYS galore, and all of us.

While we finished the storage in the space, we still plan on adding an electric fireplace.  I will talk more about that… as soon as the fireplace actually gets here.  I want the room to be fun!  And I want it to be COMFY.  So here is the board:

Family Room Mood Board Inspiration


Squeel!  I am happy just looking at this, and I know some people might think it is a hot mess.  But,  Oh well, I LUUUV IT!


What is on my board:

The thing I am most excited about?… the rug.  Some people may thing I am crazy but I really love it… technically it hasn’t arrived yet, but it has a ton of color, and is large and soft.  A great piece to pull the room together, and FUN for a family space with a lot of dancing and playing going on.

The sofa is my dream sofa from Ballard’s Designs.  I almost went crazy and just bought it 2 years ago, but I was strong and didn’t – which is probably good, cuz back then I wanted white… which I now know is a dream that won’t ever happen in my house of crumbs, sippy cups and cat hairs.  For now we have two nice, but sorta dated Ethan Allan couches.  I have some covers, that I need to alter a bit to be prefect, but they will do, until I have my student loans paid off… (in 25 years- well, hopefully more like 5)

I have two pictures of the storage wall included… although like I said the fireplace surround and mantel have yet to be updated, the existing one, is just there as a filler until it is done.   We don’t have the cash to get a real fireplace vented so instead we are doing a vent-less electric fireplace.  (like the one pictured above)

We have a built in window seat, at the front of our room now, and I would really like a pedestal table and one maybe two chairs as a game table… so this is where I vent for a second, I had the BEST pedestal table, but i got rid of it, because “I shouldn’t just hold on to things we aren’t using…” – as Homer would say – DOPE!  I almost always regret impulse purges like that…   To go with the table for now I have a round back chair from ages ago, I think I will just spray paint red, and recover the seat.

I plan on adding roman shades to the windows.  I love the geometric print.  But I have been considering stenciling some fabric… but that is pretending like I have the time to do a project like that, so we will see what actaully happens.  I think that the other zig-zaggy fabric would be great throw pillows, it looks like it was made to match the rug.

I am not really sure about paint colors… or if I want to do some sort of wall treatment, which will most likely be the case!  So for now I have some board and batten detail on the back wall.

Lastly I REALLY have been itching to change out the art I have over my sofa.  I would like a LARGE scale abstract beach scene.  And Lets be honest I am a wanna be painter…  so I might try it out.  The painting on the wall that I featured, is by our friend Matt’s sister Cristall Harper‘s work, she is amazing, you should check out her site.

If you want to check this board out at Olioboard, you can see where I found items.


Okay, now that you all have seen mine,

please head over to

Beth’s and Home Stories A to Z

  but… before you go, tell me what you think!

And if you like it please consider pinning or posting about this on facebook.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. cassity, i love it! i love the textures and colors…they are so subdued yet have some depth. i really like the teal with the dark yet and the pops of mustard. i LOVE green and mustard….and that cabinet with the nailhead trim is FABULOUS! wow!

  2. Love this! Lots of great color and pattern making for a fun and happy room. The painting is pretty sweet too, then there is the chest with the nail heads…so many great pieces, nicely done. What a fun blog hop!
    Cathy @ Room Rx

  3. I am so slow getting around the interwebs tonight, but I just had to say, you rock. Thanks again for inviting me to participate-it was a ton of fun! And can I please have those red chairs? LOVE. Have an awesome week, sweet gal!