DIY Cement Planters and Garden Globes

Ready to make your own DIY cement planters, or add a DIY garden globe to your landscaping? This is an easy DIY to make your yard and flower beds look amazing. 

See more creative flower bed ideas plus how to make a strong curved planter from cement blocks (shaped like our favorite cartoon character!).

diy concrete garden orbs from thrift store light fixtures

DIY Cement Planters and Garden Globes

Hello Remodelaholics! Today I’m back with a really fun diy project.

All you need is some cement mix, molds (aka old dishes or containers) and your imagination.  The sky’s the limit with what you can do with this project.

I’ve been wanting to do some really big cement planters for under my new garage lights for some time now but I decided to see if I could successfully make a smaller scale model before I tackle the larger version.


DIY cement planters for indoor plants


Materials for DIY Cement Planters

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To get started on your DIY cement planters, you’ll need some cement mix.  (Make sure you get cement and not concrete mix).


Depending on how smooth or textured you want your end result to look you can add Peat Moss and/or Perlite to your mixture but those things are totally optional.

Mixed Cement Recipes for Planters & Globes

You can experiment with different amounts of peat moss, perlite, and cement to get the texture you want (and see my specifics below), but here are some good starting recipes:  

Cement + Peat Moss

(what I used here)

  • 1 part cement mix
  • 1 part peat moss
  • Water (see below)

Cement + Peat Moss + Perlite

(used for these hypertufa pots)

  • 1 part cement mix
  • 1 part peat moss
  • 1 part perlite
  • Water (see info here)

Just Cement or Mortar Mix

(used for this style pot)

Adding more peat moss or perlite reduces the weight of the finished cement planter and also changes the texture of the finish.

What’s the difference between cement mix and concrete mix?

Cement is one ingredient of concrete mix. Concrete mix also contains aggregate rocks and gravel for stability in larger applications (like this tall concrete planter or a concrete bench).

If you only have concrete mix (like a leftover bag from a big patio project), you can still use it for a small planter like these. You’ll just probably want to sift out the larger aggegrate (rocks) like Ananda did here for these darling modular concrete planters.

Mixing Concrete for Garden Globes and Planters

For my mixture I went for a semi-textured look so used one part peat moss to one part cement.  The amount of water is an eyeball thing.

What I figured out is the more water you use the thinner and more runny the consistency (duh).

The result of a runnier mixture is that you have less air bubbles which makes for a smoother finish but it takes a LONG TIME to cure and harden.

I mixed everything in a big bucket and added water a little at a time until the mixture seemed right.  At first I used a long paint stir stick but that became time consuming and I ended up just sticking my hand in (make sure and wear a rubber glove) and got good and dirty.


DIY Cement Garden Globes

When experimenting with using cement for the first time I decided to try my hand at several different projects.

I really just wanted to do some small planters but while treasure hunting at a thrift store I found a light fixture with three glass fixtures at a thrift store for $5.00.

Garden Glove featured Garden Balls (that almost sounds naughty) made out of glass globes so I decided to give it a try.


After filling the globes with my cement mixture I gave them several good thumps to help it settle and release air bubbles.

After it had dried for about 24 hours I put the one globe at a time in a garbage bag, and gently tapped it on the sidewalk to break the glass away from the cement sphere inside.

**Wear gloves to remove excess glass.**



To my surprise it worked! The snow literally just melted, otherwise I would have put them in a bed of foliage but for now…dead, frozen winter ground is the best I could give you.

DIY Cement Planters & Containers

Now this is where working with cement gets fun.  Anything you can think of you can pretty much create with cement. 

I’ve collected old jars, glasses, etc. that I used for my cement molds.  You could even use milk cartons, old plastic food containers, you name it, you could probably use it. 

4men1lady collage

Make sure to coat the mold generously with cooking spray so it will release when ready.  If not, you’ll have to break your containers to get your creation out.

One of the other reasons I would recommend using a runnier mixture is this situation right here.  I used a rather clumpy/thick mixture which caused the edges that were exposed to never self-level and I was left with uneven lip. 


Luckily I was able to catch it before it was totally dry and I used a knife to shave down the edge smooth.


More shaving on this one.

4men1lady for Remodelaholic candle


These cement planters, bowls, or other containers make a perfect personalized, inexpensive gift!

If you liked this project you’ll definitely like our DIY Terrarium with complete instructions!

 To see more projects and renovations from 4men1lady, hop on over to our blog!

Check out 5 more ways to make a concrete or cement planter:

1: Hypertufa Cement Pots. Make a lighter-weight concrete planter with a natural stone look by making a hypertufa mix following the instructions here.

2: Concrete Plant Pots and Garden Globes. Use old plastic containers to make gift-sized concrete pots and upcycle an old globe light to make a garden globe.

3: Modular Concrete Mini Planters with DIY Molds. Recycle cardboard to make your own concrete mold (instructions here) and make a set of these modular mini planters for a desk or wall planter. The added gold edging is beautiful!

4: Tall Outdoor Concrete Planter. This is the big kahuna! Learn to use concrete dye to tint the planter a different color and how to make your own large concrete form from melamine, including adding a decorative detail.

5: Easy Freeform Concrete Planter. Create a whimsical slouchy bag style planter using materials you have around the house.

5 Different Ways To Make A DIY Concrete Planter | Learn how to make your own easy DIY concrete planter -- not just one way, but 5 different ways! Get the DIY tutorials at

Let your yard’s flora shine with some of these other DIY planter ideas:

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DIY Cement Planters #remodelaholic
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