Wood Art Challenge

Today we have a really fun little project!  We are participating in the Wood Art Challenge!!  Thank you to Beth of Reality Daydream for putting this fun hop together!   What is the Wood Art Challenge you may ask?

Wood Art Challenge Blog Hop

Well, we are joining 28 other bloggers to create a square piece of art for your wall that is primarily made of wood! #woodartchallenge

This is a really great way to get tons of wall art inspiration and the best news is a have a whole playlist of these great projects on our YouTube channel so please be sure to go check it out- and please subscribe to our channel while you are there!

For this project I thought it would be fun to try a buffalo check wood pattern, but I also wanted it to be 3 dimensional… so I asked my hubby if he would cut out the wood while I helped with my daughter’s field trip!  (I won guys!)  I got home to hundreds of little blocks of wood sanded and cut perfectly!  #besthusbandever!

Colorful DIY 3D Wood Art | This colorful summery buffalo check textured wood wall art will brighten up any space! Customize the colors to fit your space. DIY tutorial from #remodelaholic
[pinit align=”center” url=”https://www.remodelaholic.com/wood-art-challenge/” image_url=”https://www.remodelaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/colorful-3D-wood-art-tutorial-remodelaholic.png” description=”Colorful DIY 3D Wood Art | This colorful summery buffalo check textured wood wall art will brighten up any space! Customize the colors to fit your space. DIY tutorial from #remodelaholic”]

So just to be sure you know, buffalo check, is a type of fabric weave or print that looks like this image and you can buy this fabric if you want on Amazon here is my affiliate link if you want to check it out: Buffalo Check Fabric)

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For the art project I thought it would be cool to have each block of color be a slightly different height, here it is unpainted.. look how cool the shadows are!

3d Wood Art Tutorial @Remodelaholic 19

In order to figure out height options, and number of blocks he needed to cut, my husband even drew out a model of options, which really help to visualize the plan, so I am including the pictures so you can decide which one you like better!  Tell me in the comments, which one of the patterns do you think you like better, with the dark square being tallest or shortest??  I think it is interesting how different they appear with one simple change!

3d Wood Art Tutorial @Remodelaholic 10

3d Wood Art Tutorial @Remodelaholic 11




  • 2×2 Wood (see note below)
  • 1/4 sheet of plywood in desired size (ours was 22 1/2 x 22 1/2 inches)
  • Wood Glue
  • 2 shades of one color (One dark, one about 1/2 or 1/3 intensity of the original color- you can mix this down yourself if you want!!)
  • 1 white paint


  • Miter saw
  • Table saw (or circular saw) – for plywood
  • Nails and Hammer


We cut scraps of 2×4’s in half, length wise.  The actual dimensions of the wood squares were about 1 1/2 inches.  Additionally, because the edges on a 2×4 are eased (or rounded) but the newly cut sides were square, we also chose to round the other edges on a belt sander, which added a bit more work to the project in the long run!  So another option might be to just go ahead and buy an actual 2×2 so all four edges are already rounded, but you might still need to round the top 4 edge cuts OR buy a 2 x 6 and cut it down on a table saw to 2 perfectly square 2×2 lengths of wood, then you shouldn’t need to sand any corners, because all corners will be sharp and square.  However, you will have more waste (or scraps for other projects) that way, so just consider what you think would be best for you!

For the tutorial, watch the video above, it explains it all!  But please let us know if you have any questions!  I’m so happy with how it turned out!  I might need to put it on my mantel!

3d Wood Art Tutorial @Remodelaholic 23

Please be sure to check out all the other bloggers great projects!  Look at all this goodness!

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1) Reality Daydream / 2) 100 Things 2 Do / 3) House Becoming Home / 4) Anika’s DIY Life / 5) My Repurposed Life / 6) 3×3 Custom / 7) One Project Closer / 8) Merrypad / 9) Chatfield Court / 10) Create & Babble / 11) Hazel & Gold / 12) Jen Woodhouse / 13) Sawdust 2 Stitches / 14) Wood Work Life / 15) Remodelaholic / 16)  Evan & Katelyn / 17) Jaime Costigio / 18)  Pneumatic Addict / 19)  Bower Power / 20) Lazy Guy DIY / 21) My Love 2 Create / 22) Addicted 2 DIY / 23) Her ToolBelt / 24) Shades of Blue / 25) Ugly Duckling House / 26) The DIY Village / 27) DIY Huntress / 28) Mr Fix It DIY

 DIY Textured 3D Wood Wall Art Tutorial, with a Buffalo Check Pattern | Made from 2x4s #remodelaholic #woodartchallenge


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Lorene has been behind the scenes here at Remodelaholic for more than a decade! She believes that planning projects and actually completing them are two different hobbies, but that doesn't stop her from planning at least a dozen projects at any given time. She spends her free time creating memories with her husband and 5 kids, traveling as far as she can afford, and partaking of books in any form available.

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