A Very Valen-tiny Table Setting! Table-scape for the kiddos.

This is my final Valentine’s table-scape.   It is all about bright red, candy and kids… Okay maybe leaning toward the girly, okay, totally girly… forgive me, I have a little girl!  I was using what I had, and well, that is what I have, besides, isn’t Valentines a little girly anyway?
Here is what I started out with.  I kept the chandelier decorated in the same way as the family table-scape.  I used a dollar store wired garland just spread throughout.  Also,  I hung the crystal hearts from this tutorial on fishing line from the chandelier.
I started with a red table cloth and some very large glass platters.  I chose to use the platters as chargers.  I  purchased a set of 12 paper doilies, 4 large white hearts and 8 medium sized red at Walmart for about $2.00. I happened to have a roll of striped Christmas wrapping paper about 18 inches wide from the dollar bins at Target, I used this as the table runner.
I started with the platter and placed a large white paper doily in the center.  Then I used a regular glass dinner plate (approx 11 inch plate) on top.
Then, I placed one of the small red heart doilies on the dinner plate.
Lastly, I placed a bowl on top of the dinner plate.
The napkins were my grandmother’s.  They are your basic picnic pattern, but they are very fitting for Valentines day, don’t you think?  I decided it would be fun to put all the utensils on one side with a cute striped lollipop (I got a bag of these from the dollar store).  If I had been thinking at the time I photographed this, I would have put a small bow around the lollipop stick, cause that would have made it even cuter.
Do you remember how I made the dipped chocolate lollipop flowers?  This might jog your memory.   Well, I admit, I only made 1 flower, just so I could teach you how.  What I really wanted to make was this funny little idea that popped into my head.  A mini chocolate lollipop topiary. (tutorial coming this week)
They are so adorable!  Simple, easy and I used what I already had around the house.
Finally, I used one last doily under the cups.  Even better, I got to use for the first time the glasses that were my grandmothers.  They were a one of their wedding gifts I believe.  I love them.  Actually want to hear a sad story- half of the glasses broke in shipping.  I almost cried.  But when I pulled them out yesterday, (I had saved the pieces of two that were almost wholly intact ) I was able to put them back together again, and all the kings horses and all the kings men cheered!   Now I still have six.  I will love them forever!
Lastly, I don’t know if you have checked out my Fairy Berry Tutu Sponsor, but I used her Festive berry tutu on a teddy bear of Etta’s as the center piece.  –
Side note, do you know why they call them Teddy bears?  Theodore Roosevelt, yes, but why exactly?  He was an avid hunter, but the story is that he went hunting one day didn’t find anything. The hosts of the hunt caught a bear cub and tied him up to a tree and told Theodore to go ahead and kill the poor thing.  But he wouldn’t do it!  Thank Heaven!  So, the reporters made a cartoon of a cuddly bear and Mr. President and the bear became known as a Teddy bear. 
Okay, so now that we have had our history lesson for the day. Here is the rest of the table.  The center has another wired garland and candy strewn around. That should about cover it.  (Just ask if you need any clarification, or I missed anything)
Kitty is such a princess she thought we were celebrating her, so she came and took a spot by the table!

And Justin wrote a quick script from conversation hearts. I had to share.
Okay, so that was actually so fun to try. 
I may have to do this more often!
We’ll make it a holiday feature, so come back, for St. Patty’s Day.
Okay, signing off for this post…
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >This is so sweet! I can't wait until my grandgirls are old enough for a Valentine celebration like this. Thanks for sharing. Love those glasses too — I almost cried myself!