Let’s Go Camping – Inspiration for an Outdoorsy Boys Bedroom

LetsGoCamping Mood Board

Hello again! I’m Dawn from DesigningDawn.com back this month with another mood-board for your decoration inspiration. If you’ve missed any of my previous inspiration posts here on Remodelaholic, you can always check those out here.

I’m in full on countdown mode this month to the arrival of my second daughter. And of course that includes all things girly nursery. But it occurred to me that designing a boy’s bedroom would be a fun new challenge, with emphasis on the fun! And as fall creeps up on us, I really wanted to go with something camp-themed and cozy. So with that in mind, I set out to find some boyish inspiration.

Boy's bedroom inspiration via Remodelaholic.com
Found on jonesdesigncompany.com
Boy's bedroom inspiration via Remodelaholic.com
Found on elledecor.com
Boy's bedroom inspiration via Remodelaholic.com
Found on blog.niceparty.es
Boy's bedroom inspiration via Remodelaholic.com
Found on beneathmyheart.net
Boy's bedroom inspiration via Remodelaholic.com
Found on jonesdesigncompany.com
Boy's bedroom inspiration via Remodelaholic.com
Found on aimeeherring.com

Don’t you just love a good mix of rustic and colorful? I think almost any young boy would be at home in one of these fun rooms, and campy themes just feel so inviting and warm. So, filled with inspiration from all this eye-candy, I got to work creating my own mood board for an outdoorsy camp themed boys room:

Outdoorsy Boy's Bedroom Mood Board | DesigningDawn on Remodelaholic.com #boysroom #kids #campingClick here to see the sources and similar products for this Mood Board below.

Tips for Creating an Outdoorsy Boys Bedroom

First of all, I’m not a big fan of true ‘theme’ rooms. So I really wanted to give this room an outdoorsy camp vibe without going over the top. That being said, you can’t have a campy room without some rustic wood elements. I think this dresser fits the bill nicely. The addition of the metal casters plays off the industrial light fixture really well too. Can’t you just see that light hanging off the front stoop of a cabin at camp?

For color selections, I kept things pretty nature inspired. Blues, greens, and browns in different hues all work together nicely and give the room a natural feel that looks like it was collected over time.

Because this is a little boys room, I did throw in some elements just for fun too. Like the striped teepee and the little deer-shaped clock. How cute would both be in a bedroom? Not to mention the trio of animal prints. I always like to add something whimsical and fun to a kids space to keep it from feeling too serious or adult. I think animals dressed to the nines fits the bill.

All together, I think this works as a sweet boys room that brings to mind the fun of camping, without looking like it was purchased as a ‘theme’ set at a big box store. Just a nice, cozy little cabin room.

As always, thank you to Cassity & the Remodelaholic team for having me here each month. If you like what you see, be sure to visit me over on my blog, DesigningDawn, or follow along on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. Have a great day, friends!



Love camping? Try this camping tent bed

woodland themed kids room with camping tent bed canopy, The Ragged Wren on Remodelaholic

or tried and true tips for camping as a family!

Remodelaholic's Camping Ideas for Families

Website | + posts

Dawn is one half of the team behind the creative blog, AD Aesthetic. By day she works as the VP of Creative for a design and marketing company (getting paid to make things look good!), while by night she renovates her Midwest home, refinishes thrift-store furniture for fun, and works with her husband on raising two tiny humans. Dawn believes in the potential to design your surroundings and your life one day at a time, and lives by the motto, 'Make everything beautiful.' Get to know her better by visiting her blog, ADaesthetic.com, or following along on Facebook and Instagram.

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  1. Can you link the sources for each of these pictures? Especially interested in the first one. I’m checking jonesdesigncompany.com and not finding it.

  2. I tried clicking on the moodboard, but I’m unable to on my phone. Can you please share your source for the dresser? I’m trying to hunt something similar down.

    1. Hi Amy,
      We are working on getting all our older moodboards updated to be more mobile friendly! That dresser is the London 6 Drawer Dresser from One King’s Lane, and here’s the affiliate link: https://www.onekingslane.com/p/1279317-london-6-drawer-dresser?SSAID=454769&f=shareasale&utm_campaign=dressers&utm_content=454769&utm_medium=Affiliates&utm_source=Shareasale&utm_term=520095744 . Unfortunately, it’s currently unavailable, but hopefully it will come back in stock or at least help you find something similar. Best of luck!